TDD Steps
I'm currently running a series of weekly cyber-dojo sessions for some of our testers who are working towards becoming developers so that they can get a feel for working on code and doing TDD.
Each week we pick a kata and implement it in pairs or randori style with a projector. To keep everyone focussed on the task at hand I wrote the following "program" to explain the TDD process in simple terms.
10 Think about what you want to achieve
20 Write a little test for what you need
30 Run the tests and make sure this test fails
40 Write just enough code to make the test pass
50 Run the tests and make sure this test passes
60 Can anything be improved?
70 Make improvements
80 Run the tests again
90 Goto 10
Of course, if I were serious about TDD, I should have written tests around this too ;)