Managing Skytap environments with PowerShell

Our favourite virtual environment provider, skytap, now exposes it's REST api via a handy PowerShell module. Other bindings to other tools, for Puppet, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible etc. are available.

At the moment, the documentation isn't that great so here's how to get started spinning up a new environment given the name of an existing template. Most of what I learned here was taken from reading the module source and referring to the v2 API documentation.


Download and unpack the module as you would normally into Install into %UserProfile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\skytap. Note, you can safely ignore the user_token file, you can set authorization a number of different ways.

Import-Module skytap # -Verbose


Authentication is handled by the Set-Authorization cmdlet. You can either provide a path to a user token file or provide explicit user name and api key (from your account page) or user name and password.

[string]$Account = 'this is not my account name'
[string]$ApiKey = 'this is not my api key'

Set-Authorization -user $Account -pwd $ApiKey

Brave New Environment

Now, we can create a new environment, a collection of virtual machines, from a named template by first searching for the template we want, then creating the environment from that template.

[string] $TemplateName = 'My Windows 8.1 x64 Cluster'

$Template = Get-Templates | Where-Object { $ -eq $TemplateName }
$Environment = New-EnvironmentFromTemplate -templateId $


Creating a new environment will usually kick it off in the busy state. This is surfaced through the API as the runstate property.

While ($Environment.runstate -Eq 'busy') {

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
    $Environment = Get-Environment -configId $



Now that you have a shiny new environment, the default state could be running, stopped, suspended (and maybe others). Starting and stopping an environment is done using the Update-RunState cmdlet.

If ($Environment.runstate -Eq 'stopped') {

    Update-RunState -configId $ -newstate 'running'


And again, we need to wait for the work to finish and everything to settle down into a non-busy state. At the end of this, you should have a new environment and all the VMs within that environment should be in the same, healthy state.