Sketchoting for Science

Towards the end of 2020, I saw a tweet from my twitter pal, Mauro Toselli, asking if anyone wanted to be involved in a study researchers at UCL were doing into the differences in approach between analog and digital sketchnoting. I volunteered and the process was very easy. The researcher I spoke to was very friendly and helped me understand what was happening at each stage of the process. I was asked to complete a "diary" of short explanatory thoughts in text form, send some pictures of my work environment, and consent to the study. We then arranged a zoom call during which we watched two random TED talk videos and recorded my work from above.

I sketchnoted one digitally on my windows tablet with a stylus (and hated it) and one with pen and paper. I really didn't like the digital one and it reminded me why I don't like the medium. Here is the analog one, just because :)