A Little Advice for Life

I have been blessed with good fortune in my life. I have turned a passion into a profession and those that know me know that I know that they know that I still enjoy it tremendously. Through what some might call my craft I have brought interesting characters and words to life and through the power of words I have, I hope, shone a little light into some of the darker corners of the human condition.

I have always maintained it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. I know first hand that fate can be cruel and unusual at times but she is hardly ever malicious. She just suffers from bad timing in the main.

So use your gifts and your talents to the greatest possible effect while you can, spread joy wherever possible, laught at jokes, tell jokes, make puns and bugger the embuggerances.

Read books, read my books, you might like them. You might find something you like even more than them. Look for these things in life. Question authority, champion good causes, speak out against injustice. Do not tolerate bullies or bigots or racists or anti-intellectuals or the narrow minded.

Use your education to challenge them. Broaden their perspectives. Make the world your interface with a happier place.

— Terry Pratchett