Defrag Part 2

As promised, the second part of the defrag simulator.

Here I added some __str__ overrides to help with debugging but it mostly went very smoothly once I decided on the algorithm and how it would be run. In the previous post I worked on randomly scattering chunks of files all over the disk and in this part we need to start bringing them back together.

I kept the FileChunk and File classes but they are not strictly necessary since I went with the approach to just each chunk in turn and try to move it into it's corresponding sector. If there is already a chunk in that spot, I move it to a free space at the end of the disk and then wait for that particular chunk to be moved when we come to it later.


Since there is no real timer callbacks available in processing, I elected to run the defrag function on every time through the draw function, picking the next chunk to handle and doing something with it. Next time through the defrag function we just pick up the next chunk and work with that.

sector_width = 30
sector_height = 30

class File:

    def __init__(self, id, starting_index): = id
        self.chunks = []
        size = int(random(5, 15))

        for i in range(size):
            chunk = FileChunk(id, starting_index + i)
    def size(self):
        return len(self.chunks)
    def parts(self):
        return self.chunks
    def draw(self):
        print( #, self.length())
class FileChunk:

    def __init__(self, file_id, index):
        self.file_id = file_id
        self.index = index

    def __str__(self):
        return ("file %i chunk %i" %(self.file_id, self.index))
    def draw(self):
        print(self.file_id, self.index)  
SECTOR_FREE = 'free'
SECTOR_ALLOCATED = 'allocated'

class DiskSector:
    def __init__(self, id): = id
        self.chunk = None
        self.status = SECTOR_FREE
    def __str__(self):
        if self.chunk is not None:
            return ("sector %i chunk %i" %(, self.chunk.index))
        return ("sector %i" %(
    def allocated(self):
        return self.chunk is not None
    def unallocated(self):
        return self.chunk is None
    def allocate(self, part):
        print('allocating', str(part), 'to', str(self))
        self.chunk = part
        print('allocated', str(part), 'to', str(self))
    def deallocate(self):
        print('deallocating', str(self))
        chunk = self.chunk
        self.chunk = None
        print('deallocated', str(chunk), 'from', str(self))
    def current_status(self, text):
        self.status = text
    def draw(self, x, y):
        if self.chunk is not None:
            # assume out of step
            fill(255, 0, 0)
            # in correct place?
            if self.chunk.index == or self.status == SECTOR_ALLOCATED:
                fill(0, 255, 0)
            if self.status == SECTOR_FREE:
                fill(240, 240, 240)           
        if self.status == SECTOR_TEMPORARY:
            fill(129, 151, 237)
        square(x, y, sector_width)
        textAlign(CENTER, CENTER)
        id = ''# str(
        if self.chunk is not None:
            id = str(self.chunk.index)
        text(id, x + (sector_width / 2), y + (sector_height /2 ))
class FileAllocationTable:
    def __init__(self, length):

        self.sectors = []
        for i in range(length):
    def unallocated_sectors(self):
        return [ i for i, x in enumerate(self.sectors) if x.unallocated()]
    def draw(self):
        border = 5
        x = border
        y = border
        # layout across and down the screen
        for i in range(len(self.sectors)):

            sector = self.sectors[i]

            sector.draw(x, y)
            x += sector_width + 1
            # move down the screen?
            if x >= (width - sector_width):
                x = border
                y += sector_height + 1
    def scatter(self, files):
        for file in files:    
            for part in
                index = self.pick_random_index_from(self.unallocated_sectors())
                sector = self.sectors[index]
    def pick_random_index_from(self, indices):
        randomIndex = int(random(len(indices)))
        return indices[randomIndex]
    def highest_unallocated_sector_index(self):
        return self.unallocated_sectors()[-1]
    def move_chunk(self, from_sector, from_status, to_sector, to_status):
        print('moving chunk from', from_sector, 'to', to_sector)
        fromSector = self.sectors[from_sector]
        print('from', str(fromSector))
        toSector = self.sectors[to_sector]
        print('to', str(toSector))
    def defrag(self, sector_index, chunk_index):
            print('defrag', str(sector_index), str(chunk_index))
            # find lowest 
            sector = self.sectors[sector_index]
            print('considering', str(sector))
            if sector.allocated():
                print('allocated sector', str(sector))
                if sector.chunk.index == chunk_index:
                 # good don't need to move it
                    print(str(sector), 'in correct place')
                    print('going to move', sector.chunk.index)
                    # move it to the end
                    endIndex = self.highest_unallocated_sector_index()
                    print('temp moving to end index', endIndex)
                    self.move_chunk(sector_index, SECTOR_FREE, endIndex, SECTOR_TEMPORARY)
                    # find the sector with the matching file index
                    # move it to this spot and deallocate it from 
                    # current spot
                    print('looking for item', str(chunk_index), 'to put into', str(sector_index))
                    for i in range(len(self.sectors)):
                        nextSector = self.sectors[i]
                        if nextSector.allocated() and nextSector.chunk.index == chunk_index:
                            self.move_chunk(i, SECTOR_FREE, sector_index, SECTOR_ALLOCATED)
                # need to find one to move here.  
                print('looking for item', str(chunk_index), 'to put into', str(sector_index))
                for i in range(len(self.sectors)):
                    nextSector = self.sectors[i]
                    if nextSector.allocated() and nextSector.chunk.index == chunk_index:
                        self.move_chunk(i, SECTOR_FREE, sector_index, SECTOR_ALLOCATED)
        except exception as e:

I also added some colouring to the temporarily displaced files to make it easier to see progress in terms of chunks that are still to be processed, those that are in place, and those that have been moved to make way for others.


I made the frame rate increase slightly to make the animation work a bit better. I also added quite a lot of "I am here" debug statements since it didn't take much to completely break the sketch and leave me with a blank canvas.

def setup():
    global fat, files
    size(1000, 800)
    fat = FileAllocationTable(800)
    files = []
    number_of_files = int(random(10, 75))
    index = 0
    for i in range(number_of_files):
        file = File(i, index)
        index += file.size()
sector_index = 0
chunk_index = 0

def draw():
    global sector_index, chunk_index
    if sector_index < 800:
        print('defragging', sector_index)
        fat.defrag(sector_index, chunk_index)
        sector_index += 1
        chunk_index += 1

I keep track of the current/next chunk to process using the index variables in the draw function.