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Tools for public API difference reporting on .Net assemblies

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Tools for public API difference reporting on .Net assemblies

What is it?

NDifference is a difference and reporting tool to allow developers to discover breaking changes in the public API of a .Net project between releases at the assembly level. It works with published assemblies via reflection and does not require the original source code.

It performs static analysis on .Net assemblies, providing built-in inspectors for the most common checks and supports loading of custom inspectors. Analysis is performed at the library, assembly and type level.

Product Inspection

The following is a list of built-in product level inspections:

Assembly Inspection

The following is a list of built-in assembly level inspections:

Type Inspection

The following is a list of built-in type level inspections:


There is a built-in reporting capability for common file formats but custom reporting is supported too.


Both the inspection rules and the report output are customisable.

Prior Art

The original inspiration for this project came from Microsoft's unsupported libcheck tool.

CI Status

The project builds on AppVeyor: Build Status.

Get Involved!

Have an idea about improving the project? Please get involved. NDifference is an open source project (of course) and we accept contributions! Contribute a patch or let us know how to improve. Follow along with us on Twitter @NDiffDotNet

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