My Sketchnoting Workflow for Presentations

It sounds very meta but I thought I would have a go at sketching out the workflow I use when I create a sketchnote as an aide memoire for a talk I'm going to give.

The steps are roughly in this order (in case you can't read my writing):

  • Think of the presentation subject
  • Brainstorm the major points as a mind map
  • Refine this list into a set of ordered chunks that will be my script
  • "Act" the script in an "Italian Run Through"
  • At the same time, make a rough sketchnote of the presentation
  • Refine the "act" and the sketchnote together
  • Embellish the finished sketchnote with details I want to make sure to bring out during the talk
  • Scan the drawing for archiving later
  • Throw away my written notes
  • Take the sketchnote to the presentation
  • Profit!