Applying AML to Improve Customer Experience

Tonight, I'm doing a presentation at our local NE Bytes developer meetup on using Machine Learning in Azure to improve customer experience. The talk abstract is below:

The cloud is often presented as the cool new technology everyone should use as well as SaaS being the answer for businesses reluctant to purchase and service their own hardware. For a SaaS provider, balancing the cost of cloud computing against performance can be challenging when it's not clear of the amount of load to expect, how the system will be used or if use will change over time.
Machine Learning is just one of a series of new technologies and services that are available on Microsoft's Azure platform and offers new possibilities to answer this challenge. In this presentation we'll look at an application of AML, in combination with other Azure services, that can make predictions about customer behaviour and scale out to provide a better customer experience without breaking the bank.

I have uploaded the slides to slideshare.