Ebook of Sketchnotes from DDDNorth 2015 now available!

Ebook of Sketchnotes from DDDNorth 2015 now available!

Cover Page

I've blogged about presenting and live sketchnoting at the DDD North conference ad nauseam [here]({ % post_url 2015-10-26-sketchnoting-at-dddnorth-2015 %}) and [here]({ % post_url 2015-10-30-sketchnotes-from-dddnorth-2015 %}) as well as a guest post on sketchnote army. The sketchnote army post included a lot of the sketchnote contributions from the conference but a few more trickled into me in the weeks afterwards.

It seemed a shame that they would be lost forever once they sank below the twitter horizon so after chats with a couple of contributors I decided to collect them together in a github repository and publish them as an ebook with the help of Steven Hill.

This idea wasn't original, I was inspired by Claudia Sandoval who published a collection of sketchnotes from Agile 2015 earlier in the year.
